Vitamin D and Gum Disease: Can Supplementing Improve Periodontal Health?

The gums and bone encircling the teeth are affected by periodontitis, also referred to
as gum disease. If untreated, it can result in teeth loss because it can irritate the gums,
bleed, and hurt. Although good oral hygiene techniques like brushing and flossing can
help avoid and control gum disease, other elements like nutrition may also be

In 2018, a meta-analysis that looked at the connection between vitamin D levels and
periodontitis was released in the Journal of Clinical Periodontology. Low vitamin D levels
were linked to an increased risk of periodontitis, according to the analysis of 27 studies’
findings in the research. Additionally, the researchers discovered that better periodontal
health and vitamin D supplementation were linked in some of the studies.

A fat-soluble vitamin called vitamin D is created in the epidermis when it is exposed to
sunlight. Additionally, it can be found in fatty seafood, egg yolks, and fortified foods.
Calcium intake, bone health, and immune system performance are all significantly
influenced by vitamin D.

By controlling the immune system and lowering inflammation, vitamin D, according to
the meta-researchers, analysis’s may defend against periodontal disease. The bone and
connective tissue in the molars can be destroyed by periodontitis, and vitamin D may
help stop this from happening.

It’s crucial to remember that while vitamin D supplementation was linked to better
periodontal health in some trials, it wasn’t in all of them. The best vitamin D
supplementation dosage and duration for periodontal health should be determined by
further study, according to the experts.

Keeping adequate vitamin D levels may be advantageous for periodontal health,
according to the results of this meta-analysis. While vitamin D can be obtained from
sunlight and some foods, some people may also need to take supplements. Before
making any dietary or supplement-related changes, it is always advisable to speak with a
healthcare expert. People may be able to maintain their overall oral health for years to
come by combining good oral hygiene habits with the right expert care and a healthy

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